In honor of St. Paddy’s Day, I thought we could take a look at search trends for 3 keywords: paddys day, green beer and hangovers, using Google’s Insights for Search.
Take a look, there are some interesting highlights:
- There is an oblivious correlation between “paddys day” and “green beer”, with search volume increasing year over year.
- Search volume for “hangovers” has increased over the years, but there isn’t an increase in search volume during Saint Paddy’s day. Maybe there is some kind of magic in the green beer that prevents hangovers…
- While “green beer” search volume is strong worldwide, it is strongest in the US. I’d bet the UK sticks with straight Guinness.
If you haven’t explored Google’s Insights for Search beta in a while, I’d check it out. You could spend hours geeking out in the tool!
Bottoms Up.