August Lunch and Learn Recap – Keyword Development
by Anvil on August 24, 2016SEOA couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of presenting on Onsite Optimization for Small Businesses to a group of individuals who joined us for our quarterly Lunch and Learn here at Anvil. Over the next few months, I will be providing a review of the main points I covered starting with today’s topic, Keyword Development. Keywords are critical to the success of any digital marketing campaign, and you can see what I had to say by checking out the short video clip below.
Keyword Development Highlights
Probably one of the most commonly known aspects of SEO are keywords as we have all used them to perform queries for different things we are looking for via a search engine. In this way, they are absolutely fundamental to the search process.
As search engines crawl through a website and index the content, they store the information about the content in keyword-based indexes rather than storing all of the web pages in one giant database. By separating the content in to smaller, keyword-focused databases, the search engines are able to retrieve and return the data they need in a fraction of the time.
So how do we tell what keywords we should use to optimize our website?
Build a list of the keywords that are applicable to your company, services, products, etc.
- Example: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Paid Media Marketing
Test the list of keywords to find out what people are actually searching for
- Google Adwords Keyword Planner
You can take a look at the full deck from the lunch and learn here, and watch the full video here.