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Anvil on Search Engine Journal

I thought I’d share that we’re also on Search Engine Journal pretty regularly. So I’ll start reminding our readers at Social Search Marketer when any new posts go live.

My latest – Packaging Makes Perfect – runs through some ways that larger publishers can re-purpose and re-use existing content to extend its lifespan. This includes but is not limited to proper cross channel integration, providing content in multiple formats (some readers like video, some prefer podcasts, etc) and effective archiving and aggregation.

The concept doesn’t apply solely to large publishers however, as blogs and content producers of all sizes can re-package content to remain in front of readers and not get lost in the depths of archival darkness. There are always relevant ways to get old content in front of new readers. A few examples:

Feel free to add any I may have missed. Like I said, there are tons of ways to do this but remembering to do it in the first place is key. As long as it’s relevant, readers will appreciate that additional information is readily found.

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